On a daily basis Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines are wrongfully accused of crimes. This issue is not only prevalent in the military, but even, to a far greater extent, mirrored in the civilian world also. I went to law school at the Northwestern University School of law, and we had an entire clinic dedicated to the wrongfully convicted. They have a very good success rate at getting convictions overturned. So much so, that they single handedly caused a moratorium on the death penalty in Illinois.

So what’s my point? The point is that you may very well he sitting in a position where you are wrongfully accused of a crime. It doesn’t matter how “minor” the charge may seem, or how great. Doesn’t matter if the forum is an Article 15, or a court-martial. Doesn’t matter if you are a private or a general officer. The stakes are high across the board, and on a daily basis innocent servicemembers are wrongfully accused and convicted of an offense. My point is that you deserve qualified and experienced counsel to help you through the process. You deserve qualified counsel to fight the fight for you. Your life and career are on the line. Book your free consultation with us so we can stand by and work with you on your case.