What is a Tab revocation? Special Forces, Ranger, and Sapper Tabs can be revoked even after a Soldier has met the qualifications for wear of the tab. As the former 3rd Special Forces Group Judge Advocate, I have had the opportunity to provide advice to my commander on issues related to tab revocations. As a former trial defense attorney at Fort Bragg, I also had the privilege of defending Soldiers against tab revocations. While most defense counsel do not fully understand the second and third order effects of a tab revocation, I have a very unique and broad understanding of the ramifications.
Army regulation 600-8-22 sets forth the process by which a Soldier’s tab can be revoke. There are two basic factual premises for the revocation of a Special Forces, Ranger, or Sapper tab, failure to meet the basic qualifications, as well as commission of an offense which brings discredit to the qualification tab.
Once an award is presented, it may be revoked by the awarding authority (JFK Special Warfare Center and School, Infantry School, or Engineer School Commandant) if facts subsequently determiend would have prevented original approval of the award had they been known at the time of presentation. Generally speaking, this rarely occurs, and the more likely revocation is one based upon character of service.
Under the doctrine of revocation based upon character of service, your commander can request revocation of your Special Forces, Ranger, or Sapper tab if your entire subsequent conduct and service has not been honorable. The determination of honorable is based on “such honest and faithful service according to standards of conduct, courage, and duty required by law and customs of the service.”
More specifically, your tab can be revoekd under the following circumstances:
The Special Forces Tab can be revoked if:
a. the parachutist badge is revoked;
b. voluntarily initiates a withdrawal of the SF qualification;
c. has become medically disqualified not in the line of duty;
d. has been convicted at a trial by court-martial, or committed offenses which demonstrate severe professional misconduct, incompetence, or willful dereliction in the performance of SF duties;
e. has committed misconduct which is the subject of an administrative elimination action;
f. has committed any act inconsistent with the integrity, professionalism, and conduct of an SF Soldier, as determined by the Commander, JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
The Commandant, U.S. Army Infantry School may revoke a Ranger Tab if:
a. a Soldier has exhibited a pattern of behavior, lack of expertise, or duty performance that is inconsistent with expectations of the Army;
b. dismissal, dishonorable discharge, or conviction by courts-martial for desertion in time of war;
c. failure to maintain prescribed standards of personal fitness and readiness to accomplish missions commensurate with position and rank;
d. refusal to accept assignment to a Ranger coded position;
e. upon relief or release for cause.
The Commandant, U.S. Army Engineer School may revoke a Sapper Tab if:
a. a Soldier exhibits a pattern of of behavior or duty performance that is inconsistent with the expectations of the Army;
b. dismissal, dishonorable discharge, or conviction by court-marital for desertion in time of war;
c. failure to maintain prescribed standards of phsycial fitness and readiness to accomplish missions commensurate with postion and rank;
d. upon relief or release for cause.
The collateral consequences of a tab revocation include an inability to find employment in a specialty after leaving the Army; recoupment of any bonus money received for the qualification; and the possibility of losing awards earned as a result of the qualification.
If you are a Special Forces Soldier or Army Ranger facing adverse action, contact us to help you through the process. We understand the collateral damage adverse action can cause, and are here to help.